Show hidden files on a Mac! (finder hidden files)

Developing a website you will need to be able to see ALL the files that are created to build your website. Unfortunately some files are required to start with a (.) One of the symbol combinations used that are reserved as hidden in your Finder.

Objective: Show all the hidden files in your finder

Here’s how to do it

Mac Terminal Icon

You need to open your “Terminal” application found in…
Applications > Utilities

When opened it should look something like this and it’s ready to accept your keyboard input

Mac Terminal Instructions

Last login: Sun Oct 07 21:39:26 on console
You have mail.
Genius-iMac:~ macgenius$


In Terminal, type the following…
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

Mac Terminal Instructions

Last login: Sun Oct 07 21:39:26 on console
You have mail.
Genius-iMac:~ macgenius$defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES


Quit Terminal

Check that it’s worked!

Hold the ‘Option/alt’ key, then right click on the Finder icon in the dock and select Relaunch.






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